Within the many predictive techniques found in both traditional Western and Vedic astrology. There is one remarkably similar technique used in both systems. Known as the Seven Ages of Man, and Naisargika Dasha in Vedic astrology. Both systems share the same core principles of envisioning and using the seven traditional planets to govern periods of development within the human life span. From infancy to death.
The word Naisargika means ‘natural’, and Dasha means ‘a state of being at a specific time. So put together Naisargika Dasha represents the natural life cycle of Man. Broken down into 7 planetary periods (dashas). The earliest accounts found in the annals of traditional Western Astrology of the same concept of the division of the life span into 7 periods can be found in Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos IV. Where he envisioned there being seven ages in the archetypal life of Man, with each age/ period being associated with one of the seven traditional planets.

Claudius Ptolemy 2nd Century AD Alexandrian scholar

Ptolemy’s Zodiac
Both systems viewed the planet’s as governing periods of development and being the natural ‘Karakas’, ‘Significators for these time periods. With the celestial body the moon being closest to the earth and representing the mother and so governing the first age of infancy and early childhood. To Saturn being the furthest planet in the celestial sphere in both traditional and Vedic astrology ruling the last period of life, old age and death. The following is an outlay of the order of the planet’s, time spans and the duration of years they govern.
The Seven Ages of Man
Moon Ages 0-4 4 years
Merc Ages 4-14 10 years
Venu Ages 14-22 8 years
Sun Ages 22-41 19 years
Mars Ages 41-56 15 years
Jupi Ages 56- 68 12 years
Sat Ages 68- death years
Naisargika Dasha
Moon Ages 0-1. 1 year
Mars. Ages 1-3 2 years
Merc. Ages 3-12 9 years
Ven Ages 12-32 20 years
Jup Ages 32-50 18 years
Sun Ages 50-70 20 years
Satu Ages 70-120 50 years
As can be seen from the above, both the Moon and Saturn are placed in the same first and last ascending order in the two systems. With differences in the order for the other 5 remaining planet’s. Based on the differing philosophical viewpoints of the two on how they saw the expression and unfoldment of the planet’s energies for the different age periods.

The Seven Ages of Man saw that naturally the first age from birth to early childhood was under the domain of the Moon. As the Moon is the significator for the mother. And the mother played the most significant role through caregiving and nurturance in the early formative years of life. Which was then preceded by Mercury from the ages of 4- 14. And governed over the phase of mental development, learning, mastering speech and communication. Venus governed the period of transition from adolescence to early adulthood. The period of sexual maturation, becoming social beings, forging friendships and romantic relationships.
Then the Sun took ascension from the ages of 21- 41. The time frame considered where we would go out into the world and start careers, find our calling and vocations. Be infused with dynamic creativity, energy and receive recognition for our achievements. Generally taking on the responsibilities of adulthood. The Mars period from 41-56 was considered a time of struggles and conflicts. Possibly from within or externally. Maybe to coincide with the mid life crisis. Before Uranus was discovered and the famous Uranus square Uranus period occuring in one’s early 40s that can mark periods of internal struggle and change. Maybe Mars was used as a significator for this period.
After the period of internal struggle comes the age of the sage marked by Jupiter from the ages of 56- 68. In which man is considered to have reached a level of maturity and acquired wisdom, and a mastery of self. After all the trials and tribulations of life comes the age of Saturn from the ages of 68 and onwards. With the twilight years ahead. The eventual restrictions to the body and mind eventually set in with the passage of time. And with that also great wisdom and experience from a life well lived.
Naisargika Dasha shared similar views but just in varying orders. Mars ruled early infancy from the ages of 1-3 which marked the tumultuous ‘terrible twos’ phase for toddlers. Displaying temper tantrums, wanting to explore and exert some control over their immediate environment. And then followed by Mercury from ages 3-12. Which marked the period of education and learning. Then followed by Venus from the ages 12-32 which again reflected the physical maturation process and then love and marriage. Followed by Jupiter’s phase from 32-50 which heralded a time of acquiring wisdom, and becoming more spiritual. Then the Sun ruling over the ages of 50-70. Where one was considered to have fulfilled their Dharma, purpose in life. And received due recognition for achievements. Then finally the age of Saturn which denoted old age.
The position and natural states of the planet’s in one’s own personal natal chart, such as planets in signs of exhalation, detriment and fall. Would colour and flavour the expression of the given planets during their respective ages/ Dasha periods. And how those periods would be marked in a natives life. Whether with challenges or an easy passage. And given fruit to the natural expectations of the ages passage in time.
Both systems pay due homage and consideration to developmental milestones. And incorporate the planet’s into the human sphere of life.
© Maame Esi, Tao Of Astrology, March 2022
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