As the sun enters Aries and we have the Vernal Equinox (this year 20th of March) and Easter looming close by in April, we enter a period filled with much subtle magic and mysticism and the wonders of nature awaken before our eyes.
This time of year holds special significance for many people around the world, from ancient to modern times. One such people are the Igbo of South Eastern Nigeria. The Sun is called Anyanwu, and they mark the Equinox in their sacred calendar as Anyanwu moving into the sphere of Ikenga (Mars) Aries. Which causes a surge and revival of life and energy within and throughout nature. Especially among the ancient powerful trees. Mars is associated with blood, life force, virility, passion and victory. Aries is the sign of the sun’s exaltation, its resurrection.
Within Christianity we see these astrological /astronomical themes in the death and resurrection of Christ at Easter which usually takes place during the season of Aries. The period of Lent and the lead up to Easter and the rites associated with this religious period also hold symbolic astrological associations to the season and ingress of the sun into Aries, and the magic and power of trees during this time.
The beginning of Lent in the Christian sacramental calendar starts with Ash Wednesday. On this day, a Christian has their forehead marked with the Ash of burnt Palm fronds/ branches. The Palm branch is a symbol of victory and triumph, peace, protection, healing and eternal life. In the Isle of Man it is believed that Ash trees protect the purity of springs.
In Norse mythology, the Norse God of wisdom, and healing Odin was also associated with the Ash tree, and hung himself on the Great World Tree (Askr Yggdrasill) in order to receive wisdom and illumination that came to him in the form of the oracle Runes. Which would be used to enlighten and aid humanity in the acquisition of knowledge. The god Odin has a similar counterpart to be found amongst the Yoruba peoples of South Western Nigeria and beyond in their deity, Orisha god Orummilia,father of the sacred divination system of wisdom and knowledge, IFA.

Majestic Ash Tree
So it can be seen that the Ash tree has connections with wisdom and knowledge. As mentioned previously, ash is placed on one’s forehead on Ash Wednesday. The head is associated with the sign of Aries astrologically. Knowledge comes to us through our minds/ head, our consciousness. Where we become enlightened, and then there is the glory and victory of enlightenment. Light overcoming darkness and ignorance

Aries astrological glyph
On Good Friday, in the Caribbean there is a tree known as the Physic But tree. If the branches of the tree are struck or cut just before noon on that particular day, the tree begins to ‘bleed’, producing a red sap that looks like blood. Parallel to the same time of Christ’s Crucifixion. There are said to be other trees around the world that also ‘bleed’ only during this specific time of the year if wounded.
Other Good Friday traditions also involved divination with eggs to find out what the coming year held. Which is interesting seeing as the ingress of the sun into Aries marks the astrological new year.
Trees, and their fruits, berries, leaves, and branches carry within them many of the mysteries and sanctification of the restoration and perseverance of life. That we see coming to life during the time of spring and astrological new year.
© Maame Esi, Tao Of Astrology, March 2022
All rights reserved
Image credits are in the public domain via WC