This eclipse will be occurring at 12 degrees 21 minutes in the sign of Sagittarius at around 7.43 am UK GMT time.
The totality of the eclipse will occur and be visible from Antartica. And a partial eclipse will be visible from Southern Africa, South America, Chile and Patagonia, Australia

This eclipse will be falling exact on the Ascendant of the United States 1776 chart also at 12 degrees Sagittarius. Which is quite significant.
As well as occurring in the 1st house of the UK chart for that day. Which speaks of both the US and UK being on the world stage in weeks, months and years to come.
The eclipse will be conjunct to Mercury currently at 15 degrees Sagittarius. Near to the point known as the Great Attractor located around 14 degrees Sagittarius. The great attractor is a cosmic anomaly, that acts as a cosmic vacuum sucking up galaxies. Not quite a black hole, but still exerting a strong gravitational pull towards itself of other galaxies… The comic character Silver Surfer comes to mind somewhat.
It is a very powerful point in a person’s chart, 14 degrees Sagittarius.
The sign of Sagittarius represents truth, freedom, adventure, travel, justice, legal issues, faith, beliefs systems, optimism, the higher mind, excesses, spiritual and religious leaders, teachers and gurus.
This eclipse will be anchored around the south node, so there will be a releasing of old worn-out belief systems, dogmas that may no longer serve us anymore.
Rules For Interpreting Eclipses
Eclipses leave sensitive hot spots to the degree points that they occur on. The sensitive point for this eclipse will be at 12 degrees Sagittarius.
Now the rule of thumb in astrological thinking is to always take into consideration the opposite degree sign of the opposite sign as also acting as a sensitive hot spot. So, for example, with today’s eclipse,12 degrees Gemini would be the opposite sensitive spot.
These sensitive points can act as astrological activation points if the eclipse falls on a degree in a person’s chart where there is a planet located there, or on the four angles or on their nodes.
Eclipses falling within these ranges can influence the life and destiny of that person.
If an eclipse falls on a person’s sun, located say in the 1st or 10th house it can raise that person’s profile and ascend them to a high position in life. They may get a promotion, receive honors, personal breakthroughs, unleashing of creativity.
For example, if we take the chart of Walt Disney, he was born in Chicago on the 5th of December 1901. His natal sun was at 12 degrees 27 minutes of Sagittarius, just like today’s sun and eclipse degree point. When he was 26 in 1928 there was a lunar eclipse in that year on June 3rd that fell at 12 degrees 37 minutes of Sagittarius. Right on his natal sun of 12 degrees. Which unleashed creative potential and set him on the road to power and fame. Because a couple of months later, on November 18 he introduced to the world what would be his iconic creation, the character of Mickey Mouse through the cartoon Steamboat Willy. And the rest we know as history.
There are many astrological examples of the fortunes and lives of the rich, powerful and famous being changed by eclipse’s affecting the sensitive spots in their astrological charts. And this also applies to people from all works of life as well.
Just a quick note of interest it was also between the years of 1928-1930 that Admiral Richard Byrd made his expedition to Antartica. He is also known for discovering Mount Sidley, the largest dormant Volcano in Antartica…. One to watch in the upcoming months or years as to whether there will be any stories pertaining to this or other volcanos erupting around the region of Antartica.
Solar eclipses as they occur on new moons can come with the theme of endings and new beginnings. A coming to an end of one chapter, and a new one awaiting to begin. Out with the old and in with the new. With a new set of perspectives, arising. A time of change and transformation to follow in the coming months and possibly years.
Both solar and lunar eclipses but maybe more so solar eclipses are times of meditation, contemplation and reflection.
And as a new moon this is a great time to set intentions specially to do with the themes and symbolism of the sign of Sagittarius. Such as honesty, faith, having a positive mental attitude, optimism, becoming a beacon of light, drawing to yourself the right teachers, mentors and guides. Becoming a guide, mentor and teacher of sorts to others.
Another interesting eclipse lore portending omens and making history involves the Nat Turner led slave rebellion of August 21, 1831. This rebellion occurred two weeks after the 7th of August solar eclipse, which Nat Turner observed and took as a sign to start the insurrection, revolt two weeks later. And two days after the rebellion came a lunar eclipse on Aug 23rd. The day of the Nat Turner led rebellion that fell on the date 21s August was the date that the last total solar eclipse to cross over the United States occurred on August 21st 2017. The next solar eclipse that will cross over a large part of the US and criss cross in the opposite direction than the 2017 eclipse will occur in 2024
©️ Maame Esi, Tao of Astrology, Dec 2021
All rights reserved
Image credits in the public domain via WC